A Self-Healing Prayer
(Adapted from Sis. Maribi Mapa-Garcia's
"Healing Presence", St. Pauls publication)

1.  Divine Father,
You are the Designer and Creator of the body in which I dwell.

I know there is no sickness you cannot heal.
You know all things, You can do all things
and I know You love me very much.
With faith in Your promise that whatever we ask in prayer,
You will grant us if it will be good for our soul.

I come before You to ask for the healing
of my spirit, mind, emotions and body.
Touch me now where I am hurting most.
Only You know what kind of healing
I need most right now.

2.  Help me to realize  that I was created perfect
as I was made in Your image and likeness,
that any imperfections and sicknesses which
has manifested has been the result of my
wrong thinking and wrong operation of Your univesal laws.

Let me realize the deeper meaning of my sickness
to learn whatever lessons to be learned from this suffering
to correct my ways, and to lead me closer to You.

I know your a Just God but you are also the souce of all
Goodness, Mercy and great Love and You never refuse
forgiveness to those who come to You with repentant hearts.

By your Divine grace, I humbly ask for Your forgiveness
for all my transgressions from Your Will..
And also give  me a forgiving heart to help me forgive all the people
who have hurt me in the past and seek forgiveness from
those whom I have hurt and have done injustice.

3.  Root out all unresolved hurts, resentments,
fears and feelings of despair and frustration.
Heal all painful memories in my subconscious,
including all repurcussions of traumatic experiences, that
block the flow of your graces, robbing me of Your peace, love and joy.

Bring your healing love into every corner of my heart
and release all the buried negative emotions inside
that have not been resolved and continue to cause me pain and anguish.

4.  Let the grace of Your divine love flow and spread
to the different parts of my body reaching the inner recesses of my being.
comfort me in my pain and anguish.
Correct any malfunctioning of my body organs and glands.
Let the warmth of your healing light penetrate every cells,
 every nerve and tissues in my body.

Melt with your healing love any abnormal growths.
Arrest all further spreading of all sick cells and
replace them with healthy cells.

5.  Release me from all inherited destructive patterns in my family tree
and bloodlines,
and from my present environment
that could be influencing or encouraging this sickness.

Through your divine Will, break any curses that may be coming against me
or my family, and stop the transmission
of those curses through  my ancestry.
And cut off all links to dark forces and spirits
that may have caused my sickness.

6.  Let Your Holy spirit dwell within to always strengthen and empower me,
and let me be filled with Your Love, Light, Peace and Joy permanently.
And with eyes of faith, see the blessing and victory that awaits me.

Let me be surrounded with the pure white light of Christ
Nothing but good can come to me
Nothing but good shall go from me
I am in perfect health again as in the moment of my creation.

7.  And then, Dear Father,
after I have been healed, may I be a witness of Your healing power
and bring glory, honor and praise to You.
And  may I live as a beam of light to others, living in beauty
and righteousness until the sunset of the day of my life.

This I pray in Christ Jesus' name, with the Blessed Mother Mary
and all the Healing Angels and Saints.

May it be done accoding to Thy Will.
In full Faith, I give thanks.
