"Now is the need and the demand...

to sacrifice all we have to the helping of humanity" -- DK

Contact Us

You can contact us by sending a note to:

To facilitate our communication and distinguish your mail from spams, you may want to place content-specific subjects on your emails, such as "full moon group meditation", "online study groups", "lecture", "meditation coaching", etc..

We cooperate with any like-minded groups, units of service and full moon meditation groups anywhere. This includes any other projects that promote goodwill or community initiatives designed for human betterment.

Values to Live by

A Love of Truth – essential for a just, inclusive and progressive society;
A Sense of Justice – recognition of the rights and needs of all;
A Spirit of Cooperation - based on active goodwill and the principle of right human relationships;
A Sense of Personal Responsibility – for group, community and national affairs;
Serving the Common Good – through the sacrifice of selfishness.
Only what is good for all is good for each one.

  • From the Earth Charter: A vision of hope
    But will anyone listen?
    Will this be framed again by involutionary forces as "taking away their rights and freedoms" just like the recent global health crisis?