Links to esoteric groups based on the Ageless wisdom

"Let inner union demonstrate and outer cleavages be gone." (Mantram of Unification)
"There is an almost sensual longing for communion with others who have a larger vision. The immense fulfillment of the friendships between those engaged in furthering the evolution of consciousness has a quality almost impossible to describe." (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin)
Some modern esoteric schools
- The Arcane School
This school was founded by Alice A. Bailey in New York in 1923, specializing in esoteric discipleship training. They carefully distinguish themselves as not a probationary path type of group that is involved in psychism or astralism, but they neither claim to be an advanced one - the future schools that is involved in preparing disciples for the great initiations. As an intermediate type of esoteric school, the work involves the self-discipline ("discipleship") of integrating the personality with that of the Soul. Instructions are via correspondence using the distance learning model, with focus on 3 areas- study, meditation, and service. The scope of materials will cover a lifetime of training. Orientation is towards the new emerging pattern of presentation of the mystery teachings that combine the east and the west. Not mystical or transcendental, but occult and practical. - School for Esoteric Studies
The School for Esoteric Studies provides discipleship training by correspondence (in English, Italian, and Spanish) based on the Ageless Wisdom teachings as compiled by Alice Bailey and Master Djwhal Khul, with an emphasis on meditation, study, and service and designed to produce World Servers. - University of Seven Rays - Morya Federation Online School of Esoteric Education
This is a new initiative started by the University of the Seven Rays that aims to teach the Ageless Wisdom (and train future esotericists) derived from the inspiration of both DK and the Master M. It will be structured formally much like a formal University but content will be delivered online. There will be a 2-year and a 5-year program. It calls itself a "Federation", because a number of emerging and existent esoteric schools and colleges are affiliated with it, much like a faculty consortium. - Theosophical Society
The society was founded by Helena P. Blavatsky in New York City in 1875. This is often referred to as the first modern public revival of the mystery schools in the Western world since the dark ages (when most esoteric groups went underground to shield themselves from persecution). However, it is not offering any structured or systematized form of esoteric training. To fully benefit from the group, one has to be pro-active and participate in its Theosophical correspondence courses, self-transformation seminar-workshops, and seek entrance into its esoteric section, if available in a local lodge. See also Canadian Theosophical Association (CTA).
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Nature of the ageless wisdom and esotericism
Some esoteric educational groups
- Agni Yoga Society
"The Agni Yoga Society was founded in 1920 by Nicholas Roerich and his wife Helena. The Society has little formal structure. There are no schools, no study courses, no classes. But it is available to all who study the books. Unlike previous yogas, Agni Yoga is a path not of physical disciplines, meditation, or asceticism, but of practice in daily life. It is the yoga of fiery energy, of consciousness, of responsible, directed thought. Though not systematized in an ordinary sense, Agni Yoga is a Teaching that helps the discerning student to discover moral and spiritual guide-posts by which to learn to govern his or her life and thus contribute to the Common Good. For this reason Agni Yoga has been called a "living ethic." - Torkom Saraydarian Group University
They offer short term online courses on esoteric sciences and full length degrees as well. It was founded by Gita Saraydarian in the US after the death of her father, Torkom, a prolific writer and teacher of the Ageless wisdom teachings. Torkom's writings incorporated the teachings of Agni Yoga to the AAB-HPB stream. Most notable is his talent to simply complex esoteric concepts into simple words and tell them in the light of his own experiences and life stories. - White Mountain Education Association
The association is located in Arizona and has been in existence long before the TSG Foundation was established. Similarly, the teachings are based on Agni Yoga and AAB. Torkom Saraydarian also contributed much to the resource materials in this training institute. - Rosicrucian Fellowship
A modern version of Rosicrucianism introduced by Max Heindel in 1910 that is consistent with the core principles of the Ageless Wisdom and the cosmology of HP Blavatsky. The focus of the group are spiritual healing, spiritual astrology, and the esoteric interpretation of the Christian Bible. - General Anthroposophical Society
Anthroposophy started in Germany in 1912 by Rudolf Steiner. The spiritual teachings were derived from HPB's Theosophical stream but this new version was made more practical. It has a strong focus on social transformation via the introduction of its own spiritually based system of education, banking, medicine, and even agriculture. Esoteric training is being done through its School of Spiritual Science. - The School of Ageless Wisdom
This group is dedicated to the study and dissemination of the cosmology and teachings of the ageless wisdom based on the writings of Alice Bailey and Helena Roerich's Agni Yoga. Its foremost service activity is anchored on the educational fields - the pedagogical model and curricula of the Robert Muller School, Balanced Beginnings, and the Global Elementary Curricular Model of the United Nations. - Astara
Its esoteric teachings also descended from the Ageless Wisdom stream of HPB-AAB plus the founders' own spiritual experiences and practices. It was founded in 1951 by the late Earlyne and Robert Chaney. - Aetherius Society
An international spiritual organization founded in the mid-1950s by George King in London after he was contacted by a Being who claimed to be an "extraterrestrial intelligence". The teachings of Master Aetherius, except for the unique terminologies used, are in alignment with Ageless wisdom teachings of the HPB-AAB stream. Their teaching emphasized selfless service to others as a means to personal and planetary evolution.
Some occult, ritualistic & fraternal orders
- Servants of the Light (SOL)
A school of the Western Mystery Tradition tracing its modern day roots to Dion Fortune of the Golden Dawn and, later of her own: Society of the Inner Light. A fully contacted school, SOL was formally established as an independent esoteric school in 1972 by WE Butler and Gareth Knight. Its focus is meditation and path working on the Qabalistic tree of life, Arthurian myths and symbols, and training on individual and group ritual work. Current director of studies is Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki and their headquarters is in the UK but they also accept students worldwide via their correspondence course. - Brotherhood of the Eternal Light (BOEL)
A fully contacted Mystery school that offers systematic training in ritual magic and the Western Mysteries including both personal training, a correspondence course, and a free online course. It has been founded by Salomo Baal-Shem and the Lodge Chayot ha-Qodesh and was raised by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki in June 2010. It was founded from a need to re-establish reliable criteria and principles for high level spiritual work which may serve as a stronghold against self-deception, egotism, charlatanism, hypocrisy and guru-ship (which are unfortunately so common in occult organisations). It also aims on teaching the mysteries with great integrity and dedication in order to bring about a revival of traditional Qabbalistic values. - Builders of the Adytum
BOTA was founded by Dr. Paul Foster Case which first became a member of the Order of the Golden Dawn. In cooperation with an inner school adept, he established this new order which incorporated the teachings of the Holy Qabalah, the Tarot, symbols of Freemasonry, and the core principles of the Ageless Wisdom. - Fraternity of the Hidden Light
This Order has the same lineage as BOTA and uses the same body of teaching given by Paul Foster Case. But they are more ritually oriented and has more temple-lodges for group ritual work. - Prieuré de Sion - Ordre de la Rose-Croix Véritas O.D.L.R.C.V.
"The Priory of Sion is an international initiatory Order, of mystical and esoteric character, and of Rosicrucian influence, who sets himself the task of supporting and nurturing personal growth, moral and spiritual, with respect and in harmony with the personal objectives that each of us, by nature, has to carry through in life experience. It's also their purpose to teach the proper practice of esoteric disciplines and the study and research related to the transcendent and mystical. They work through symbols, ancient rituals, theurgic practice and traditions, in order to live a personal and collective spirituality in communion with the other Brothers and Sisters of the Order."
Some training institutes
- BeLife Institute for Higher Consciousness (BIHC)
A pioneering Institute founded by Master Del Pe that will help an interested individual develop higher consciousness by providing a quantum leap in new philosophies, psychologies and strategies to achieve a more enlightened life and fulfilled career. In addition to the powerful new strategies and psychologies put forth by the founder, BIHC combines the convenience of Distant Learning online training with mentoring supported by their team of Facilitators so one can study, grow and hone new skills and knowledge from the comfort of one's home or office. One can also attend Retreats offered in the most spectacular destinations and sacred places on Earth. Their advanced training programs can be taken in person with their team of trainers or Master Del Pe himself. - ScalarPrana and Bioenergetics Training Center
Its mission is to promote awareness of the existence of subtle energies, such as Scalar and Prana, and educate people to harness and utilize these energies for healing, foster a positive, productive, and meaningful life through self-transformation and higher spirituality. They do this through workshops, remote healing services, marathon healing sessions, Moirae Life Coaching, psychic defense and protection, and other healing practices. Accordingly, ScalarPrana Therapy makes use of both the scalar zones and the chakras. The scalar energy zones and the chakras are distinct from each other. The scalar zones are entry points of scalar energy, while the chakras are entry points of prana. When scalar zones are activated and aligned, the body is able to harness scalar energy easily for the sustenance of prana in the body, for its health as well as healing. Fe Pacheco is the founder of the ScalarPrana Therapeutic System and the author of ScalarPrana Primer: The Human Energy System. With over 25 years of experience in alternative energy healing modalities, she has been teaching and conducting energy healing workshops in many countries. - Resounds Method
Resound is an esoteric method that is adapted from several elements found in esoteric literature to create opportunities to break our identification with this retarding thought form (sometimes caled the Dweller on the Threshold), and see ourselves and our world through fresh eyes. These elements include alignment, projection, dialogue, and resonance, and are taken principally from the teacher training courses of Lucille Cedercrans. Their courses of study and service opportunities include Path of Initiation, Nature of the Soul, GYRE, Creative Thinking, The Soul and its Instrument, Teacher Training, Leadership Training, The Disciple and Economy, and the new course- the "Ashram of Synthesis". Most of the courses are free and are intended for Blavatsky, Bailey, Roerich, and Cedercrans students, to wield the energy of synthesis more consciously and effectively in service. - International Network of Esoteric Healing
Their training program is based on the ideas presented in Alice A. Bailey's excellent book, "Esoteric Healing". While the techniques of energy healing may include their own innovative interpretations, the causes of diseases, the rules for healing, as well as the more important concept that alignment to one's Soul is the only lasting source of healing are all based on the original spirit of AAB's teachings. - Ananda Marga Yoga
If the spiritual seeker really wants to go deeper into Hatha yoga or in practising the Asanas, Ananda Marga's brand of yoga is one of the better schools. They have been in their craft for a very long time and they are serious about man's holistic health and well-being. Their instructors are not only graduates of yoga teaching certificate courses, but (more important) they are also spiritual practitioners of this path for real. They embrace the yoga philosophy and most of the instructors are missionaries. However, one is free not be involved in the initiatory or religious processes of the group. They are also actively involved in human betterment initiatives, ecology, social justice, and in the education and empowerment of underdeveloped communities. - Universal Healing Tao Center
A training center offering a complete system of Taoist esoteric yoga founded by Master Mantak Chia. This center is based in Thailand and their workshop are being offered there, but there are also affiliated centers worldwide that offer its training program. For seekers who are interested in making his physical, as well as his etheric or energy or "chi" body strong and on top health condition. The beauty of this system is that it is D.I.Y. friendly. One can just order their books online and the instructions in it are easy to follow and understand. But for their higher energetic practices, one needs the guidance of their mentors and teachers to practice safely.
Michael Winn also teaches a new spin to these techniques through the Healing Tao USA adding his own insights and personal experiences plus the training he received from other Taoist masters in China. He also offers home study courses on his methods. - Pranic Healing Group USA
The late Master Choa Kok Sui pioneered the systematization of the ancient art and science of Pranic Healing into a replicable and teachable science. Master Choa aims to propagate pranic healing on a global scale, which in effect, validates the existence of what the Ageless Wisdom terms as the etheric plane or the bio-magnetic energy field surrounding the planet. His groups also teach a form of kundalini yoga meditation which he termed, "Arhatic yoga". - Inner Mind Development Institute
Jimmy Licauco, author of many books on paranormal research and psychic phenomena, founded this scientific training institute for developing the inner mind. Accordingly, the training aims in making the left and right hemispheres of the brain function as a unified whole. He uses some ageless wisdom teachings and recent discoveries in PSI sciences, as bases for his programmes.
Some Units of service, Goodwill, and Full moon meditation groups
- Agni Yoga Society