"Now is the need and the demand...

to sacrifice all we have to the helping of humanity" -- DK

Suggested reading list

For the complete reading lists for self-study, click here.

List-5: Do-it-yourself advanced meditation techniques

Sad to say, not all meditation methods are the same. This does not imply that one meditation method can be superior to the other but the fact that there are techniques not suited to certain types of person's lifestyle, eating habits, culture, surroundings, health or even religious affiliations. Each meditation has its own purpose too. And just like any other techniques, there is such thing as incorrect practice that gives rise to a lot of problems in the long term.

The meditation technique suggested here and through the book list is based on the Raja Yoga system of meditation that uses the mind actively to achieve Soul alignment or union. It is highly recommended that they be studied sequentially so that skills are learned gradually and progressively. This can be practiced safely and sanely even without the guidance of (or worse, dependence on) guru personalities, or religious cults. They will not expose one to spirit possessions due to the loosening of the etheric auric web brought about by channelling techniques (to contact so called "spirit guides") posing as meditation. They also don't use self-hypnotic methods or repetitive words to make one's mind blank or passive. And most of all, they are not meant to prematurely stimulate the kundalini nor activate the chakras that may endanger one's physical or psychological health.

  • From Intellect to Intuition by Alice A Bailey   
    The book outlines the theoretical aspects, as well as the stages of meditation, based on the Raja Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (an Indian adept who wrote the rules for yoga about 2000 years ago). In contrast to the other types of yoga, raja yoga uses the mind in an active way to achieve Soul alignment.
  • Concentration: An Approach   
    to Meditation by Ernest Wood
    An excellent book to flex the mind for meditation. It contains concentration exercises and a mental training on how to hold, expand, and develop a seed thought for meditation.
  • Concentration: A Guide to Mental   
    Mastery by Mouni Sadhu
    An advanced manual for developing one pointed concentration skills. Contains a rigorous training regimen for utilizing the mind and will power to the fullest.
  • Meditation: An Outline   
    for Personal Study by Mouni Sadhu
    From the concentration regimen, the author guides the reader to numerous meditation practices using different thoughts or ideas from diverse traditions. Meditation exercises are progressive from the introductory to advance stages.
  • The Science of Meditation   
    by Torkom Saraydarian
    This book contains a usable format or structure for a successful esoteric/occult meditation practice. The author explains the rationale and procedures in each stage or part or interlude in a meditation session. One will fully benefit from it if there is prior preparation in concentration and meditation via the preceding 4 books suggested.
  • Meditation Mount Free Study Course   
    Meditation Mount offers a 3-year meditation course that can all be downloaded by the student from their website. There is no need to join the group and one can study the meditation lessons at his/her own pace. But donating even a small amount can help them continue with their work and in maintaining their site. The quality of the materials are excellent and they can benefit both beginners and advanced students. It is best to experiment with these techniques after developing some minimum skills in concentration and meditation suggested in the preceding books. The mission of Meditation Mount is to promote the building of an enlightened and compassionate world through the power of creative meditation, inspirational educational programs, and community-based events focused on the practical application of the following universal spiritual principles: right human relations, goodwill, group endeavor, unanimity, spiritual approach, and essential divinity.
  • Letters on Occult Meditation   
    by Alice A. Bailey
    This is like a user's manual and a trouble shooting guide for those who are already doing meditation. It shows guideposts, the dangers, positive and negative side effects, what to avoid and how meditation will lead to the development of the antakharana or the rainbow bridge connecting the mind to the Soul.

  • A short video presentation on the basic concepts of esoteric meditation or if you wish to watch the entire short playlist of meditation videos

Read also, Introductory Guide to the Science of Meditation, and for seekers wishing to meditate in a Christian context, see Reading list: Introductory meditation practices for Christians

  • From the Earth Charter: A vision of hope
    But will anyone listen?
    Will this be framed again by involutionary forces as "taking away their rights and freedoms" just like the recent global health crisis?