"Now is the need and the demand...

to sacrifice all we have to the helping of humanity" -- DK

The Channel of Peace by St Francis of Assisi

A Music version of the very popular Prayer by St. Francis. We linked here a beautiful video from Youtube, created by a certain Love is All. The music was composed and sang by Daniel O'Donnell. A complete text of the prayer is also pasted below.

While The Lord's Prayer supplicated for the redemption of the physical plane by making sustenance and humanity's basic needs available for all ("our daily bread"), St. Francis invoked for the redemption of humanity's emotional/affective nature. This is the ultimate bhakti yoga, expressed in Christian symbolism, for the modern world. No one can invoke or use this prayer without having a profound effect on one's character and emotional nature. Regular use of it has the power to transform our crude emotional nature from darkness into light, from hate to love, from the fogs of glamour to beauty.

It is our sincere belief that The Christ himself may had a direct hand in the release of this prayer to humanity through St. Francis or through another disciple of that era. Though mystical in tone, it gets the work done. It also prepares humanity for the next stage of redemptive invocation which is more mental in tone and approach to be given out another thousand years later, The Great Invocation.

Other versions of the Channel of Peace video
(Pls. click drop down menu)

. : About the 3 Greatest Christian Prayers

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